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ActiGel is based on the patented 2QR-complex. This natural substance is derived from medicinal plants and consists of bio-active polysaccharides. It has the unique ability to block adhesion of harmful bacteria and in this way it neutralizes these bacteria effectively. This natural blocking effect is completely safe and harmless because it is not based on toxic substances or harsh chemicals and therefore it does not have negative side-effects.

On top of its key effect of blocking harmful microbes, Multi-Gyn ActiGel supports the natural repair system of the tissues and optimizes the condition of the mucosa. It directly installs the optimal vaginal acidity (pH-value). The useful lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria) are stimulated in their development and in this way Multi-Gyn ActiGel creates an optimal and natural flora that prevents discomforts.

Multi-gyn Actigel Treatment 50ml

  • Use Multi-Gyn ActiGel as often as you please, each time you experience or wish to prevent discomforts such as itch, sensitivity or irritation.

    For treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) with undesired discharge and/or odor, apply in the vagina at minimum twice per day in ample quantity for a period of at minimum 5 days.

    For prevention of undesired discharge, odor and related complaints, or to counter yeast, one application per three days is sufficient. More frequent application increases the efficacy. We advise application prior to bedtime. Unprotected intercourse affects the acidity pH value) of the vagina. Use Multi-Gyn ActiGel within 8 hours after intercourse to restore the optimal vaginal pH and prevent growth of unwanted bacteria and malodor.


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