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Olbas Oil provides you with immediate relief for catarrh, colds and sinuses. It is a mixture of essential pure plant oils for relief of bronchial and nasal congestion and hayfever by inhalation, and for symptomatic relief of muscular pain by application to the skin. Can be used by all the family from aged 3 months and up. Just a few drops on a handkerchief is all it takes to fill a room with powerful Olbas vapours - perfect for night-time relief and sweet dreams.

For a really intense Olbas experience, put a few drops of Olbas Oil in a bowl of hot water, lean over it and cover your head with a towel. It’s enough to liberate the most stubbornly blocked noses. And there's more to Olbas Oil than powerful vapours. When you're feeling achy try massaging in a few drops of Olbas Oil.

Olbas Oil 28ml

    • Adults and children over 2 years: By inhalation sprinkle 2-3 drops on a handkerchief, or add to hot water and inhale the vapours.

    • Infants 3 months - 2 years: By inhalation - sprinkle one drop on a tissue and place out of the child's reach.

    • Not suitable for babies under 3 months old.

    • Topically - apply lightly to the painful area 3 times daily.
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